Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Ok for some reason Blogger will only work in Internet Explorer. It gives me a load of fetid dingoes kidneys about cookies in firefox and google chrome which I am not using, or even thinking of - which makes as much sense to me as an emu on acid, as any changes are changes they've made, not me. I am fairly sick of blogger anyway, it's just too much effort right now to migrate.

I've been a bit off colour myself, not up to fighting with the monstrosity that is computerese right now, and have also gone to be leeched (they took 40 ml of blood). We're still waiting on Barbs Malaria tests. The blood-letting obviously did her good, as she is feeling a bit better.

To add to my computer joys I've been trying to prepare A MANKIND WITCH as an e-book, and paying for my sins. Research is bad, and so is using the right Norse spellings. Seriously, I think an experienced person could get this into HTML and .mobi pretty quickly, but for me it's been too many months since I last struggled through it. I CAN go from word, but the results really are quite average.

We had a weird day yesterday with the island eerie with smoke - from somewhere else. We didn't have much wind... and we got thick smog. I couldn't even see the end of far field 2km away. Today it seems to have mostly gone, but, yuck. Not like our wonderful air at all. Mostly it has come over thousands of miles of empty ocean to us.

Anyway, hopefully tomorrow will be better...


  1. oddly enough, it is working for me in FireFox. This started recently also. The other odd thing is it having issues in Chrome (I don't use it, though I have it installed ... find it buggy and slow on my set-ups) as both are owned by Google the Evil.

    1. It will let me read but not reply or post. Mutter

  2. Would you care for any assistance with the conversion? If so drop me a copy of it to my email and I'll shoot you back an epub that should convert a lot nicer than Word will.

    1. I would indeed, particularly with THE FORLORN and SAVE THE DRAGONS. The process is quite far advanced with A MANKIND WITCH - and it allows me to control stuff like fancy replacements for ***, and Chapter heads, as well as all the norse special characters. I will, I hope, tomorrow. Today, while good in other respects, has been a write off for work.

    2. I have lost all my e-mail addresses in the changeover - would you mind e-mailing me so I can send you a reply?
